Concerts & Community Events
Marlton Park is the host for many community events throughout the year. The beautiful open scenery offers a pleasant place for the entire family to spend the day.
The Woodstown Rotary sponsors several concerts throughout the summer providing spectators of all ages hours of enjoyment.
The Fourth of July celebration has become a tradition in Woodstown-Pilesgrove and Marlton Park is once again the centerpiece.
The day begins at Marlton with the annual Woodstown-Pilesgrove (W-PBA)Firecracker 5K run. The Firecracker Run starts at Marlton Park and leads runners through the neighboring community. This run attracts more than 300 runners to the park.
Marlton Park is also the last stop for the annual Fourth of July Parade. The parade is the only one in the county and attracts people from all over. The W-PBA sponsored Fourth of
July celebration ends at Marlton Park with an outstanding fireworks show. This fireworks show is a community event, including live music, food vendor and other activities to round out the day.